City of Dubuque Teams with Non-profit on Small Biz Grants
Starting and running a successful small business takes courage and requires resources, including mentoring, education, and capital.
The City of Dubuque is partnering with the Fountain of Youth Program to get small business owners connected to necessary resources.
Dubuque Economic Development Director Jill Connors and Fountain of Youth Executive Director Caprice Jones stopped by The Good Morning Rodeo to discuss the grant program and mission.
To end generational poverty, the overarching goal of the Fountain of Youth is to encourage and assist small business entrepreneurs through community collaboration, resource sharing, mindfulness education, and mentorship.
Applications Open July 1
The City of Dubuque Economic Development Department is accepting applications starting July 1, 2022, for grants of up to $3,000 to help qualified low- and moderate-income (LMI) business owners succeed over the long term.
Qualifications include:
- A business owner must live in a household at or below 80% area medium income.
- The owner must live within city limits.
- Businesses must have fewer than five employees.
- Business must have been operational for at least six months before applying and needs to have filed 2021 taxes.
- Grant recipients will be matched with a business mentor. They will be required to participate in an eight-week personal and professional development program facilitated by the Fountain of Youth.
Seven (7) grants will be awarded in the 2nd Quarter 2022, with another seven (7) grants awarded in the 3rd Quarter 2022.
The grant program's goal is to not just cover current expenses with funds but also to develop strategies for continued business success. The City is partnering with the Fountain of Youth Program to administer the grant.
LEARN MORE & APPLY: cityofdubuque.org/econdev
LEARN MORE about Fountain of Youth Program: thefountainofyouthprogram.org
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