Charles Bramesco

The Best Genre Films of 2018
Horror, thriller, sci-fi — these were the best of the best from the last year.

The Best Film Series Of All Time
We ranked the best movie franchises ever made — and we did it scientifically.

After Two Long Weeks, Liam Neeson Un-Retires From Action Movies
The star of ‘Taken’ and ‘The Grey’ has no plans to stop beating up people and animals and the occasional inanimate object any time soon.

Hugh Hefner, Playboy’s Impresario of Pleasure, Dies at 91
The emperor of planet Playboy made the world a safer place for sex, leaving behind a complicated legacy.

Action Star Steven Seagal Criticizes NFL Protesters
The former action movie star and his goatee are all in favor of free speech, but not speech this free.

Stephen King Ponders Where ‘The Dark Tower’ Movie Went Wrong in New Interview
The celebrated writer speculated on the difficulties of translating his work to the screen.

And He’s Off: James Cameron Officically Commences Shooting on His ‘Avatar’ Sequels
James Cameron has finally started production on his four massive CGI-laden 3D blockbusters with a budget of $1 billion.

Hollywood Rallies Support for Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort
Sandra Bullock, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Kevin Hart are just a few of the celebrities opening their wallets to help their fellow human beings.

‘Super Troopers 2’ to Open on 4/20/18, Tee Hee
The newly announced release date doubles as an in-joke for the weed-addled fanbase of the slacker comedy.

Jack Black Confirms That Robin Williams’ ‘Jumanji’ Character Has a Role (of Sorts) in Remake
With so many massive studio tentpoles springing up all over, you’d be forgiven for letting the gestating Jumanji remake slip your mind. The rework of the ’90s kid-friendly fantasy film, playing under the somewhat unwieldy title Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (yeah, tack the tagline right onto the title, why not!) will come to theaters December 20, but prying eyes have already ensnared some key details about the film. There was the whole brouhaha surrounding Karen Gillan’s hilariously impractical jungle outfit and her mealy-mouthed explanation as to why her character had to get all hotted up for a nature expedition, a controversy I have dubbed Midriffgate, and now today brings news of another curious detail of story.