Our quest for picking the National Day with Karl K. was made easy this morning with a single choice of Cranberry Relish Day. Therefore we had to roll with the little red tart berry and Thanksgiving Dinner mainstay. 

Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva
Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva

Of course, we're not talking about the strange jellied cranberry concoction jiggled loose from a can. Although that may be worthy of its article and National Day.

Primarily carbs and fiber, cranberries contain about 90% water. Still, they are rich in vitamins and minerals like C, E, K, and manganese. The fruit's antioxidants may lower inflammation and cholesterol levels in the body, help prevent your teeth from getting cavities, and reduce bladder infections.

As a result, the Cranberry is often considered a "Super Food" for its heart, gut, and overall health benefits.

Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva
Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva

The Cranberry is only one of a few fruits native to North America. Typically in season from October until December, North American Indians called the red berries "sasemineash." Meanwhile, the Pilgrims called this fruit "crane berry." The pink blossom reminded them of the head of a Crane bird. Through the years, the name evolved to the condensed Cranberry.

Today, the United States has grown its cranberry industry to be the largest in the world, with Canada and Chile following far behind. 

The USDA forecasts 2022 cranberry production at 7.44 million 100-pound barrels, up 5% from the 2021 crop.

That leads to today's Rodeo Really Tough Trivia Question: What State is the leading producer of cranberries?

A. Massachusetts

B. New Jersey

C. Wisconsin

D. Oregon

Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva
Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva

C. Wisconsin is the national and world-leading producer of cranberries. The State harvests more than 60 percent of the nation's cranberry crop.

Just five states grow nearly all of the country's crop of tart berries. Wisconsin produces the most, followed by Massachusettes as a distant second, and New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington grow much of the rest.

Now when you're asked to pass the cranberries, you have some fun & exciting trivia to share at the Thanksgiving Dinner table. 

Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva
Photo Credit: Keith B. via Canva

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