Q: Do I pay any fees to Sedona Staffing Services for finding me a job?
A: No, there is never a fee to the job seeker.

Q: Does Sedona Staffing Services only do Temporary work?
A: No. Sedona is a full-service employment agency, meaning that we offer the following types of job placements:
Direct hire
Professional placements

Q: How can Sedona Staffing Services help me as a job seeker?
A: By submitting 1 application through Sedona, you can potentially be considered for hundreds of jobs in your field. Other value offerings include:
Weekly paychecks & benefits offered
Opportunity to “get your foot in the door” at reputable businesses
Diversity of job assignments and flexibility

Q: How do I apply?
A: The easiest way to apply is online. You can also apply at a Sedona office. After completing your application, we will meet with you one-on-one to discuss opportunities.

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