Dubuque School Employee Arrested for Sexual Exploitation of Student and additional charges from the incident involving a Hempstead High School student.
Sure, you might catch a deer or rabbit once in a while, but other than squirrels, we don't see many of Illinois' small animals out and about when the temperatures really drop off in the deep freeze. Why are Midwestern squirrels impervious to cold?
Nestled deep within a forest in Rockford, Illinois lies an eerie abandoned swimming pool that has piqued the curiosity of residents and explorers for decades.
Back in the day, when parents were stressed out and confused over how to handle certain things with their kids, they would hit up their own parents or other child-raising veterans for advice. Sometimes the advice was good, other times...not so much. Today's parents are doing the same thing, they're just going to Google for the parenting information.
You want old-world town names that we pronounce much differently than the original town was pronounced? Check. How about Native American names that can easily and frequently mispronounced? Check. Illinois has a tongue-twisting city or town name for everyone.
No one enjoys hopping into a frigid vehicle on a cold morning, so a lot of people here in Illinois and throughout other cold-weather states choose to warm up their cars first. It makes for a nicer and more comfortable commute, but is doing that legal or illegal here in Illinois?