
Illinoisans Who Bought This Ice Cream May Get A Cash Settlement
Illinoisans Who Bought This Ice Cream May Get A Cash Settlement
Illinoisans Who Bought This Ice Cream May Get A Cash Settlement
One particular brand has one particular ice cream flavor that was, according to a class action lawsuit, falsely advertised. Although the company admits to no wrongdoing, they're still set to pay out almost $9 million in settlement money to Illinois residents (along with the residents of the other 49 states) to make this all go away. Read on to find out if you're eligible for payment.
Illinois’ Last One Closed In 2020, Now The Final US Store Closes
Illinois’ Last One Closed In 2020, Now The Final US Store Closes
Illinois’ Last One Closed In 2020, Now The Final US Store Closes
You may have thought that this particular discount store (famous for its blue-light specials) was already dead and buried, but it turns out that there was one location that was barely hanging in there after all the other locations had shut their doors forever. Now, that location is closing permanently, too.

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