What Spawned Brad Paisley’s Free Nashville Grocery Store? His Kids
Brad Paisley and his wife, actress Kimberly Williams-Paisley, recently broke ground on the Store, a new, completely free grocery store that will help the needy in Nashville. The country star says the couple — and the Music City community — have the Paisley children to thank for the idea.
Paisley tells People that he and his wife "were looking for a place to teach [our sons Huck and Jasper] about how spoiled they are." As a family unit, the four spent Thanksgiving volunteering at the Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara, Calif.
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Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley are having "a lot of fun” together as they prepare to open the Store, a charity grocery store in Nashville where all of the food is free.
"Kim had decided they needed to know there were hungry people in the world," Paisley explains. "They went in and they immediately started packing rice in bags and checking people out at the counter and working with the staff there.”
In partnership with Paisley's alma mater, Belmont University, the Store will provide a grocery-shopping spot for those in need of assistance, referred by nonprofit and government agencies for a one-year term. "We want people to feel like they’re going to the store, and to tell their kids they’re going to the store. That’s why we named it something so simple like that, to add to the normalcy of what they’re doing,” shares Williams-Paisley of the idea.
There will be no charge to those referred to the Store. Eventually, the organization plans to offer additional services, such as job training, cooking and nutrition classes.
“One of the beautiful things about this charity is that it helps people rise. It’s very redemptive in the sense, because it’s not a permanent situation,” Paisley says. “You don’t just get to go there and get that food indefinitely. There’s a limit [and] you’re supposed to work towards being self-sufficient.”
Paisley shares that he and his wife are both excited about the Store opening — hopefully by the end of 2019 — and enjoying putting their efforts into the project.
"It’s great doing something where we can both lead and work toward a cause we care about," Paisley says. "This is not a trivial thing; it’s something that’s very important to us and the community."
See Pictures of Brad Paisley, Kimberly Williams-Paisley's Store Construction:
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