Ran across an article today listing the top 10 reasons couples argue.

Before I read it I thought to myself, what have my wife Shari and I argued about in the past 28 plus years.  To be honest we haven't argued much.  My top 3 would be:

1.  How to raise the kids

2.  Why I was working so many hours.

3.  Who to spend more time visiting, my parents or hers.

We never really argued about money.  She's makes more than me and I'm OK with that.  The running joke in our house is she has a job...I have a hobby.  After all if you're doing what you love, is it really considered work?

Before I read the entire article I "predicted" what I thought would be in the top 10.  I thought "money" would be first, then "in-laws" and then "how to raise the kids"?  I was surprised how far down the list "money" was.  It was ranked #8.  Here's the top 5.

1.  Sex.    2. Tideness/Cleanliness. 3.  False Memory System.  4.  Messing with cooking. 5. Blame addition.

To see the rest of the top 10 CLICK HERE.



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